

What impacts e-commerce sales? underline

Looking to take your eCommerce sales to the next level? Keep reading...

How to...
Natalia Migdal
Marketing Specialist

With eCommerce sales hitting the trillion-dollar mark in 2022 for the first time, there’s never been a more opportune moment to capitalize on this booming industry. If you’re an eCommerce entrepreneur looking to stand out and increase your revenue, you’re in the right place.

In this guide, we’ve shared some actionable strategies that will not only help you convert more leads but also improve your cash flow.

Effective Strategies to Increase eCommerce Sales

Let’s get straight into this: How can you increase eCommerce sales quickly?

We’ve left out some long-term strategies and focused on the marketing strategies you can implement right now. None of them is a silver bullet, but they can make a big difference to your conversion rate.

Apply these strategies and make your eCommerce business grow.

Strive to Understand Your Target Audience

You run an online store, but do you know who your customers are?

You might think you do, but sometimes we get it wrong. One good way to find out is to ask them directly. Put a short survey on your website asking for feedback.

This way, you get real info straight from your customers.

Getting lots of people to visit your website is good, but it’s even better if they actually buy something. A hundred thousand random people visiting your website won’t help if they don’t buy.

This will save you time and make you more money.

Imagine you sell sportswear. To sell more, think like your customer. If you like sports, you already have an edge. You’ll know what, how, and when they want to buy. Use this info to make better ads and offers.

Remember that when you combine the qualitative data from your analytics, the quantitative data from your surveys, and your natural intuition, that’s when you come up with the best insights.

Learn from your website visitors and loyal customers to improve your service for them.

Create a Unique Selling Proposition

Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) makes your business stand out in a market that is already very crowded.

To make more money through eCommerce, you must find and promote your USP. Don’t forget that you’re not the only one in your field. Your marketing plan must be built around what makes you different. Put aside your feelings and look at the pros and cons of your goods without bias. Using a SWOT analysis can help you learn more about your goods and where you stand in the market.

Focus on the Customer Experience

In today's competitive eCommerce landscape, it's crucial to prioritize not just marketing strategies like SEO, social media campaigns, and email newsletters but also the overall user experience your website offers. No amount of clever marketing can compensate for a poor user experience, and this can directly impact your sales. Therefore, it's essential to consider** having a customized website** with for example, features like a virtual wardrobe, specifically tailored to enhance your boutique store's user experience.

Absolutely, offering unique and interactive features like a virtual wardrobe can be a significant advantage for your boutique. It not only enhances the shopping experience but also distinguishes your brand from competitors.

Another example of an engaging and innovative feature is our MuchMore project with Buglo, the company specializing in playgrounds. This project introduces a playground designer, allowing customers to design their dream playgrounds. Such interactive tools empower customers and make the shopping experience even more personalized and enjoyable.

However, beyond such features, it's crucial to make sure that your entire eCommerce platform is user-friendly and intuitive. Regularly put yourself in your customers' shoes by navigating through your website and going through the checkout process. Look for any potential points of friction that might deter users from making a purchase. Ensure that the entire shopping experience is seamless and enjoyable.

While digital marketing often emphasizes the need for immediate sales, it's essential not to overlook the long-term value of a positive user experience. By making online shopping as effortless as possible, you're more likely to retain and convert customers. Your website should be responsive and work well on both desktop and mobile devices, as customers increasingly shop from a variety of platforms.

Investing in a customized website with features like a virtual wardrobe and a strong focus on optimizing the customer experience can yield significant benefits for your boutique store. It not only sets you apart in a crowded market but also fosters customer loyalty and repeat business.

Keep Doing Your Landing Page Optimization

Your customers are busy people. They’re constantly sifting through information and quickly assigning importance to it. When they land on your website, this process goes into overdrive. People don’t want to waste their time on a website that doesn’t answer their questions or help them solve a problem. This is illustrated by the fact that the average bounce rate (when someone leaves your website without interacting with the page) is 47% for eCommerce sites. To overcome this, you’ve got to keep working on optimizing your landing pages. When you bring your bounce rate down, it can expand your reach by a huge amount.

Utilize Social Proof

One of the most effective ways to instill FOMO in your potential customers is by providing them with proof that other people are not only buying your products but also genuinely loving them. Your website is an ideal platform to showcase these recommendations and endorsements. Depending on the digital platform you use,you can seamlessly integrate these testimonials with your social media accounts, where customers tag your brand or post honest mentions about their experiences on the internet.

By doing this, you're demonstrating to your audience that your products are in demand and highly regarded by others. The psychology behind FOMO kicks in when people see that others are benefiting from your products, and they don't want to miss out on a similarly positive experience. This not only creates a sense of urgency but also builds trust and credibility for your brand.

Make Use of Retargeting

Just because someone has left your website doesn’t mean they’re not a potential customer. It just means they need a little time or a little more convincing. Using an abandon cart email series is an easy way for retailers to answer the questions people need answering before they make a purchase, but you can go further than this.

Retargeting people through Google Ads (normally display ads) and social media ads (Facebook ads are popular) is an incredibly effective eCommerce marketing tactic. Essentially it gives you another chance, and you can be extremely targeted with it. The important thing to remember is that people aren’t always ready to make a purchase the first time they land on your site. It takes time to decide, but you don’t want the customer to forget about you during this period. Remarketing is a great way to keep your products in your customers’ minds and ensure they return to your store when they’re ready.

Remove Barriers to a Sale

It’s never your intention to make it difficult for people to buy your products, but sometimes, it just happens.

You add more and more elements to your product pages, try to collect a little more information in your forms, and before you know it, making a purchase becomes a time suck for your customers. One of the reasons Amazon is so successful (among many) is that it makes it so easy to make a purchase. Once you’ve decided to buy a product you’re on the checkout page before you know it.

The more clicks people need to take to complete checkout, the more you’ll suffer from cart abandonment.

So, what’s the answer?

Keep it simple and keep streamlining.

One of the most effective ways to enhance the user experience and boost your conversion rate is through the integration of simple and user-friendly plugins. At MuchMore, we place a strong emphasis on maximizing the potential of even the simplest features to benefit our customers.

For instance, implementing a straightforward and efficient plugin can streamline the checkout process, allowing your customers to complete their purchases quickly and easily. It's essential to provide a** variety of payment options**, including credit card payments and popular digital wallet services like Apple Pay and Google Pay. These options cater to a broader audience and align with the preferences of modern consumers.

Additionally, considering alternative payment solutions such as 'buy now, pay later' can be a game-changer. This approach offers flexibility and convenience to your customers, enabling them to make purchases without the immediate financial burden. It not only simplifies the payment process but also opens up new possibilities for potential customers who might be hesitant to complete a purchase otherwise.


In this guide on boosting eCommerce sales,having a customized website tailored to your clients' specific needs emerges as a pivotal factor for success. A personalized website allows you to not only understand your target audience but also create a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) that sets you apart in a competitive market. Moreover, it plays a central role in enhancing the customer experience, optimizing conversion rates, and building trust and credibility. Customization empowers your business to adapt and scale, remaining responsive to changing customer preferences and emerging trends.

In essence, a customized website is the foundation upon which the strategies discussed in the article rely, making it a fundamental driver of eCommerce success in the thriving online market.