mobileunderline applications
We build mobile applications using hybrid technologies that optimise the cost of implementation and allow for maintaining one code.
mobile app technologies icon
Why us
Solutions for many
We have experience in creating dedicated solutions for many sectors:
fintech icon
Fin-tech, short for "financial technology," is a technology sector focusing on innovations in the field of financial services, such as online banking, financial management applications and transaction platforms.
ecommerce icon
E-commerce (electronic commerce), i.e. buying and selling goods via a computer network, mainly the Internet.
rental icon
Services enabling the rental of items or services via online platforms, such as car, apartment or equipment rental websites.
real estate icon
Real estate
Online services facilitating the purchase, sale, rental or management of real estate via platforms and applications.
shakehands icon
Applications that improve effective management of orders, schedules, clients and facilitate the collection of opinions
book icon
Online platforms and applications enabling remote access to advice, documentation and legal representation.
PWA applicationsunderline
PWA applications, i.e. progressive web applications, are a less cost-intensive form of product building. The mix of application functionalities in the body of a fast-running website makes it possible to use most of the hardware capabilities of the device (except for functionalities such as fingerprint, lidar or NFC) on which it is displayed without installation on the operating system. Additionally, after downloading PWA once to the desktop of their device, the user can use some of the functionalities without having to be connected to the Internet.
Hybrid applicationsunderline
Hybrid apps combine the features of web and native apps, using web technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This allows you to create one code that works on different platforms such as Android and iOS. Their advantage is that they save time and resources thanks to the ability to share code between platforms. This means consistent experience across devices and lower maintenance and development costs compared to native apps.
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Attention! underline
We will be bragging
From applications to websites to dedicated web solutions - we do what we do best. You do not need to take our word for it, our designs speak for themselves.
bulbPlantis - Green Emergency Service
Plantis - Green Emergency Service
Developing the most popular gardening app
We have refreshed, maintained and constantly developed the application for gardening enthusiasts by introducing new functionalities such as, among others: crop management in your own garden.

Technologies used:

check iconFlutter
check iconLaravel
check iconAngular
So far, we have worked with several Software Houses, but our cooperation has never been so good and effective. I value the MuchMore team for the quality of work, expert experience and highest level of commitment.
Wojciech Tyszkowski
Head of Product & Growth, Elantis
Plantis - Zielone Pogotowie
company logo
We are developing one of the most popular mobile apps for gardening.
arrow bullet
Dedicated application for real estate managers
We have created a mobile application for property managers, which significantly improves their work and optimises communication with residents.

check iconSymfony
check iconReact
check iconFlutter
check iconSentry
check iconCrashlytics
company logo
Dedicated application for real estate managers
arrow bullet
bulb Plantis - Green Emergency Service
Plantis - Green Emergency Service
Developing the most popular gardening app
We have refreshed, maintained and constantly developed the application for gardening enthusiasts by introducing new functionalities such as, among others: crop management in your own garden.

Technologies used:

check iconFlutter
check iconLaravel
check iconAngular
So far, we have worked with several Software Houses, but our cooperation has never been so good and effective. I value the MuchMore team for the quality of work, expert experience and highest level of commitment.
Wojciech Tyszkowski
Head of Product & Growth, Elantis
Plantis - Zielone Pogotowie
company logo
We are developing one of the most popular mobile apps for gardening.
arrow bullet
bulb MyRes
Dedicated application for real estate managers
We have created a mobile application for property managers, which significantly improves their work and optimises communication with residents.

check iconSymfony
check iconReact
check iconFlutter
check iconSentry
check iconCrashlytics
company logo
Dedicated application for real estate managers
arrow bullet
How do we work underline at MuchMore?
We have adopted our own work pattern, taking into account the key stages of the software development process: collecting requirements, creating a prototype, developing, testing and launching in production. Our approach is based on the agile methodology, which allows us to respond flexibly to possible changes in the application assumptions.
We build functionality
worker iconProject Manager, Product Designer, Solution Architect, Software Developer
We determine the list of features necessary in the application, assessing their value for users, potential financial benefits for investors and level of complexity. Then we conduct thorough market research and compare existing solutions and ways of implementing them.
Result: Valuable functionality list, competition analysis, functional requirements (v1)
Customer's idea
worker iconSolution architect, UX Designer
It all starts with an idea. We need to fully understand it to identify its strengths. Answer the question to whom it is addressed and what problem it solves. We verify monetisation mechanisms.
The result: we all understand the value of the app. We know who it is addressed to and whose life will become simpler.
We build functionality
worker iconProject Manager, Product Designer, Solution Architect, Software Developer
We determine the list of features necessary in the application, assessing their value for users, potential financial benefits for investors and level of complexity. Then we conduct thorough market research and compare existing solutions and ways of implementing them.
Result: Valuable functionality list, competition analysis, functional requirements (v1)
We prototype the way things work
worker iconUX Designer, UI Designer, Project Manager, Software Developer
We create an interactive prototype that aims to depict the main functions, interactions and user interface. We test the solution on a small group of users to gather feedback. We make improvements based on collected feedback and data.
Result: Tested propotype with documentation
We programme solutions
worker iconProject Manager, UX Designer, Software Developer
We begin the technical work by writing application code that is both secure, scalable and efficient. Integration with the necessary services is a priority for us, and each stage of work is carefully documented.
Result: Programmed application
We make sure everything works
worker iconProject Manager, Software Developer, Tester
The written code goes through numerous testing stages, both manual and automated. Our goal is to ensure that all features work as expected and that the application is efficient and ready to run in production.
Result: Tested application ready for production launch
Production launch
worker iconEveryone
We launch the application in production on the chosen infrastructure. We monitor it to make sure it works stably and is ready to welcome the first users. Of course, we open champagne!
Result: Champagne drunk!
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MuchMoreunderline in numbers
Years on the market
Very happy customers
Proven technologies
Coffees drunk per day
tech stack
Mobile Developmentunderline
By choosing JavaScript, you are choosing one of the most comprehensive programming languages in the world, which allows you to create dynamic websites and extensive web applications. Thanks to continuous evolution and huge support from the community, JavaScript is becoming the key to modern and responsive design. From interactive user interfaces to seamless connections to a variety of backend technologies, JavaScript enables your vision to become a reality on the Internet.
Make an appointment for a freeunderline consultation of your project
with MuchMore's team of experts
Free consultationarrow rightcubecubecube
tools are important
What tools do we use
at MuchMore?underline
Key work tools are essential. Here are some examples of tools which we use every day in our work and in cooperation with clients.
We use the most popular tools from Google Workspace.
We build our designs using the most popular design programme.
Source code management via Git-based version control, bug tracking and release planning.
Our primary communication tool. We use them for business communication and small-talks.
We use Sentry to monitor and report errors in our apps in real time.
We manage projects, monitor progress and prioritise tasks.
We create, store and share documentation and design expertise.
AWS (Amazon Web Services) is an extensive cloud platform offering computing services, data storage and other IT solutions.