
Privacy policy

Hello and welcome!

If you are reading this, it's a strong indication that you value your privacy. We understand this perfectly, which is why we provide you with a document where you will find, all in one place, the terms and conditions for processing personal data as well as the use of cookies and other tracking tools involved in the running of the website: https://muchmore.pl.

First things first, the data controller for the service is MuchMore Mateusz Lewandowski, registered at the address: ul. Długa 3, 83-332 Borowo, with Tax Identification Number: 5891918215, and National Business Registry Number: 222093490.

This privacy policy has been structured in the form of questions and answers. The decision to use such a structure was guided by our desire for transparency and clarity of the information presented to you.

If you have any concerns related to this privacy policy, you can contact us at any time by sending an email to hello@muchmore.pl.

1: Who is the controller of your personal data?

The controller of your personal data is MuchMore Mateusz Lewandowski, registered at the address: ul. Długa 3, 83-332 Borowo, with Tax Identification Number: 5891918215, and National Business Registry Number: 222093490.

2: Who can you contact regarding the processing of your personal data?

As part of the implementation of data protection procedures in our organisation, we have decided not to appoint a Data Protection Officer since it is not mandatory in our case. For matters related to data protection and privacy in general, you can contact us at hello@muchmore.pl.

3: What information do we hold about you?

Depending on the specific purpose, we may process the following information about you:

  • name and surname

  • e-mail address

  • data included in email correspondence

  • information visible on your social media profiles

  • IP address

The above is a list of specific details. However, in Appendix 1, attached to this privacy policy, you will find different categories of personal data associated with the different types of data processing.

Furthermore, we use tools that collect different types of information about you in relation to how you use our website. This, in particular, includes the following information:

  • information about your device, operating system and browser
  • user-ID
  • IP address subject to truncation and anonymisation
  • date of website visit
  • sub-pages viewed
  • time spent on the site
  • transitions between pages
  • mouse clicks or screen taps
  • clicks on individual links
  • referring sources that brought you to the website
  • your age bracket
  • your gender
  • your approximate location restricted to your town
  • your interests as determined by your online activities
  • information that is referred to hereafter in this privacy policy as Anonymous Information

Anonymous information in itself does not, in our opinion, have the character of personal data, as it does not allow us to identify you, and we do not collate it with the typical personal data we collect about you. Nevertheless, given the stringent case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union and divided opinions among lawyers, in case Anonymous Information was to be treated as personal data, we have also included in this privacy policy a detailed explanation regarding the processing of such information, just as a precaution.

We are unable to provide you with access to Anonymous Information about you, as none of the Anonymous Information can be assigned to any specific user. Using the tools that collect Anonymous Information, we can only see a collection of statistics and information that is not assigned to specific individuals. Furthermore, we do not have access to the information collected by some of the tools at all, as we are only interested in the proper functioning of the tool and not the information collected by it. For example, a particular plug-in may collect some information, but it is not made available, and we are not interested in that information at all, as we are only interested if the plug-in simply functions properly (e.g., sends a newsletter form). The processing of Anonymous Information allows us to provide you with the functionality available on the website. In addition, Anonymous Information is used for analytical, statistical, and marketing purposes, such as setting and targeting advertisements.

As Anonymous Information is collected by external tools that we use, it is also processed by the tool providers under their terms of use and privacy policies.

Anonymous Information is also used by tool providers to provide, improve, and manage their services, develop new services, measure the effectiveness of advertisements, protect against fraud and abuse, and personalise the content and advertising displayed on individual service sites and applications.

The tools we use that involve the collection of Anonymous Information are listed in Appendix 2, attached to this privacy policy.

4: Where do we get your personal data from?

In most cases, you provide it to us yourself. This happens when:

  • you add a comment or opinion about a product

  • you contact us by email

  • you follow our social media profiles or interact with the content that we publish on social media

In Appendix 1, attached to this privacy policy, we have outlined the source of data acquisition for each of the purposes of data processing.

In addition, some information about you may be automatically collected by the tools we use:

  • the website system collects your IP address

  • the external tools listed in Appendix 2 of this privacy policy collect Anonymous Information in relation to your activities on the site

5: Is your data safe?

We care about the security of your personal data. We have analysed the risks involved in the processing of your data, and then we have implemented appropriate security and data protection measures. We continuously monitor the state of our technical infrastructure, train staff, review the procedures in place, and implement the necessary improvements. If you have any questions regarding your personal data, you are welcome to contact us at hello@muchmore.pl.

6: For what purposes do we process your personal data?

The purposes of your personal data processing are listed in Appendix 1, attached to this privacy policy.

7: How long will we keep your personal data for?

Data storage periods are specified separately based on each processing purpose. You will find this information in Appendix 1, attached to this privacy policy. Most data is deleted after the expiration period of limitation for claims, although the period of limitation for claims may vary in light of the applicable law (e.g., it may be 3 years for businesses and 6 years for consumers).

8: Who are the recipients of your personal data?

We would dare to say that modern business cannot exist without services provided by third parties. We also make use of such services. Some of these services involve the processing of your personal data. Third-party service providers that are involved in the processing of your personal data are:

  • hostingodawca, który przechowuje dane na serwerze

  • cloud software providers, where the data processing takes place

  • accounting office, where your invoice data is processed

  • other subcontractors who gain access to the data if the scope of their activities requires such access

All parties mentioned above process your data on the basis of contracts concluded with us for entrusting the processing of personal data and guarantee an adequate level of personal data protection.

If necessary, your data may be made available to a legal advisor or lawyer bound by work confidentiality. There may also be a need to access your personal data for legal assistance purposes.

In addition, we participate in a client satisfaction / client feedback survey programme. If you agree to be included in the satisfaction survey, your data will be made available to the organiser of the customer satisfaction/customer opinion survey, who will thus become the controller of your personal data.

Furthermore, when it comes to Anonymous Information, the providers of the tools or plug-ins that collect the information have access to it. The providers of these tools are the independent controllers of the data they collect and may share this data under their own terms and conditions, over which I have no control.

9: Do we transfer your data to third countries or international organisations?

Yes, part of the processing of your personal data may involve the transfer of your personal data to third countries.

We transfer your personal data to third countries as part of using the tools that store personal data on servers located in third countries, in particular in the USA. The providers of these tools guarantee an adequate level of personal data protection through the relevant compliance mechanisms ensured by the GDPR, in particular through the use of standard contractual clauses.

Tools that involve the transfer of data to third countries:

  • cloud

The following information is transferred to third countries:

  • data included in e-mail correspondence

We would also like to remind you here that we use external tools that may collect Anonymous Information. We have mentioned this several times within this policy, including in response to the previous question. The providers of these tools often use servers located around the world to store the information they collect, particularly in the United States of America (USA).

10: Do we use profiling? Do we make an automated decision based on your personal data?

We do not make decisions in relation to you based solely on automated processing, including profiling, that would have legal effects or significantly affect you.

Yes, we do use tools that may take certain actions depending on the information collected as part of the tracking mechanisms, but we believe that these actions do not have a significant impact on you as they do not differentiate your situation as a customer, they do not affect the terms of the contract you may enter into with us, etc.

When using certain tools, we may, for example, target you with personalised advertising based on your previous actions on the site or suggest products that may be of interest to you. This is known as behavioural advertising. We encourage you to learn more about behavioural advertising, particularly in relation to privacy issues. Detailed information, including the possibility of managing your settings with regard to behavioural advertising, can be found here.

We emphasise that, within the tools I use, I only have access to Anonymous Information. This information is stored on the servers of the providers of the individual tools, and these servers can most often be located around the world.

11: What rights do you have in relation to the processing of your personal data?

The GDPR grants you the following potential rights in relation to the processing of your personal data:

  • the right to access your data and to receive a copy of your data,
  • the right to rectification (amendment) of your data,
  • the right to erasure (if, in your opinion, there are no grounds for us to process your data, you may demand that we delete it),
  • the right to restrict the processing of your data (you can request that we restrict the processing of your data only to the storage of the data or to carry out activities agreed with you if, in your opinion, we have incorrect data or we are processing it unfoundedly),
  • the right to object to the processing of your data (you have the right to object to the processing of your data on the basis of a legitimate interest; you should indicate the particular situation which you believe justifies us stopping the processing covered by your objection; we will cease to process your data for these purposes unless we demonstrate that the grounds for our processing override your rights or that your data is necessary for us to establish, assert, or defend claims),
  • the right to data portability (you have the right to receive from us your personal data in a structured, commonly used machine-readable format that you provided to us under a contract or with your consent; you can instruct us to send this data directly to another party),
  • the right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data where you have previously given such consent,
  • the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (if you find that we are processing your data unlawfully, you may lodge a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection or any other competent supervisory authority).

12: Do we use cookies and what are they?

Our website, like almost all other websites, uses cookies.

Cookies are small text pieces of information stored on your terminal device (e.g., a computer, tablet, or smartphone), which can be read by our ICT system (our own cookies) or by third-party ICT systems (third-party cookies). In cookies, specific information can be saved and stored, which ICT systems can then access for specific purposes.

Some of the cookies we use are deleted when your browser session ends, i.e., when you close your browser (so-called session cookies). Other cookies are stored on your device and enable us to recognise your browser the next time you visit the website (persistent cookies).
If you would like to learn more about cookies as such, you can read, for example, this material: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_cookie.

13: On what basis do we use cookies?

We use cookies on the basis of your consent, except where cookies are necessary for the proper provision of the service.

Cookies that are not necessary for the provision of the service electronically remain blocked until you have given your consent to use them. During your first visit to the website, we display a message asking for your consent.

Please note that disabling or restricting cookies may prevent you from using some of the features available on our website and cause difficulties in using the website, as well as the many other websites that use cookies. For example, if you block cookies on social media plug-ins, the buttons, widgets, and social features implemented on the website may be unavailable to you.

14: Can you disable cookies?

Yes, you can manage your cookie settings within your web browser. You can block all or selected cookies. You can also block cookies on specific websites. At any time, you can also delete previously saved cookies and other site and plug-in data.

Web browsers also offer the option of incognito mode. You can use this mode if you do not want information on visited sites and downloaded files to be stored in your browsing and download histories. Cookies created in incognito mode are deleted when you close all windows in this mode.

There are also browser plug-ins available to control cookies, such as Ghostery (https://www.ghostery.com). Cookie control options may also be provided by additional software, in particular anti-virus packages, etc.

In addition, there are tools available on the Internet that allow you to control certain types of cookies, in particular, to collectively manage your behavioural advertising settings (eg. www.youronlinechoices.com/, www.networkadvertising.org/choices).

Please note that disabling or restricting cookies may prevent you from using some of the functions available on our website and may cause difficulties in using our website, as well as many other websites that use cookies. For example, if you block social media plug-in cookies, the buttons, widgets, and social features implemented on our site may not be available to you.

15: For what purposes do we use our own cookies?

Our own cookies are used to ensure the correct functioning of the various mechanisms of the website, such as the correct transmission of forms visible on the website.

Our own cookies also store information about your consent to cookies.

16: What third-party cookies are used?

Our website operates third-party cookies related to the tools listed in Appendix 2, attached to this privacy policy.

Individual tools may use more than one cookie, but we have refrained from listing them in detail as we do not want to overload you with too much information and believe that it will be clearer for you to use a list of the tools and the purposes for which they are used than to list all the cookies that are technically functional for each tool.

We have also refrained from detailing the extent of the information collected in cookies for each tool used, taking into account that each tool collects information related to your characteristics and behaviours undertaken within our website. In this respect, we are dealing with Anonymous Information, which we mentioned earlier within this privacy policy.

Aware of the requirements imposed by the Court of Justice of the European Union, we have nevertheless refrained from detailing the lifespan of cookies used by individual tools. In order to reliably determine the lifespan of each cookie, we would have to overload you with excessive information that would not comply with our principles of transparency and legibility of the information provided to you. Furthermore, the lifetime of cookies may be subject to such active changes on the part of the tool providers that we are unable to exercise reliable control over them. Aside from determining the lifespan of cookies, we would like to remind you that the only option for real control over the length of time the information is stored in cookies is to manage your cookies directly. From the level of your web browser, you can delete cookies stored on your device at any time.

At this point, we would like to emphasise once again that, in relation to using cookies, we do not have access to information that would allow us to identify you. In this regard, we are dealing with Anonymous Information, which we have mentioned in the framework of this privacy policy.

Furthermore, while in the case of statistical and marketing tools we can view various types of reports generated on the basis of Anonymous Information, with regard to other tools, we do not even gain any access to the information collected in the cookies. We are only interested in whether the given functions of the tool are working properly on our website.

17: Do we track your behaviour as part of our service?

Yes, we use tools that involve collecting information about your activities on our website. These tools are listed in Appendix 2, attached to this privacy policy.

18: Do we use targeted ads?

Yes, we use advertising tools where we can target advertising to specific target groups identified by various criteria such as age, gender, interests, occupation, work, and activities previously undertaken on our website. These tools are listed in Appendix 2, attached to the privacy policy.

§ 19: How can you manage your privacy?

The answer to this question can be found in a number of sections of this privacy policy where individual tools, behavioural advertising, consent to cookies, etc. are described. Nevertheless, for your convenience, we have once again gathered this information in one place. Below, you will find a list of options for managing your privacy:

  • browser cookie settings
  • browser plug-ins supporting cookie management, e.g., Ghostery
  • additional cookie management software
  • browser incognito mode
  • behavioural advertising settings, e.g., youronlinechoices.com
  • settings on the part of third-party tool providers (links to the settings are provided in Appendix 2, attached to this privacy policy)

20: What are server logs?

Using the website involves sending requests to the server that hosts the website. Each request made to the server is recorded in the server logs.

The logs include, among other things, your IP address, the date and time, information about your browser, and the operating system you are using. The logs are saved and stored on the server.

The data stored in the server logs is not linked to specific users of the website and is not used by us to identify you.

The server logs are only supplementary data used for administrative purposes of running the website, and their content is not disclosed to anyone other than those authorised to operate the server.

21: Is there anything else you should know about?

As you can see, the issue of personal data processing, the use of cookies, and the management of privacy in general is quite complex. We have made every effort to ensure that this document provides you with the most comprehensive knowledge on the issues that are important to you. If anything is unclear to you and you would like to find out more or simply discuss your concerns with us, please contact us at hello@muchmore.pl.

22: Is this privacy policy subject to change?

Yes, we may modify this privacy policy, in particular, as a result of technological changes to the way we deliver our service and changes in legislation. If you are a registered user of the service, you will receive a message with information about any changes to the privacy policy.

This Privacy Policy is effective as of 15/11/2023.

Appendix 1 - Purposes of personal data processing

Purpose of data processingLegal requirementCategories of dataData storage periodSource of data collection
User satisfactionArticle 6(1)(a)GDPR - user consent.Details allowing identification of data subjects. Contact details. Order details.The period of storage shall be decided by the operator of the customer satisfaction survey, who becomes an independent data controller of your personal data as a result of your consent.Order form
Comments / feedback supportArticle 6(1)(f) GDPR - legally legitimate action by the controller involving publication of comment / feedback after it has been submitted by the user.Details allowing identification of data subjects. Contact details. Comments/feedback details.Until the comment/feedback is deleted.Comments/ feedback form
Communication handlingArticle 6(1)(f) GDPR - legally legitimate action by the controller involving exchange of correspondence with the user and possible archiving of correspondence.Details allowing identification of data subjects. Contact details. Communication details.Not clearly defined. Some correspondence may be subject to routine deletion and some to archiving if we decide that there is a need for it to be kept, in particular to ensure the possibility of retrieving it in the future.Communication form. Incoming message.
Social media channels handlingArticle 6(1)(f) GDPR – legally legitimate action by the controller involving the management of social media channels.Data visible to the public on the social media profile. Details of user interactions on social media profiles.Until the data is deleted by the social media user.Social media profiles. Content published by users on their social media channels.
Analysis and statisticsArticle 6(1)(f) GDPR – legally legitimate action by the controller to create, view and analyse statistics related to users' activity on the website in order to draw conclusions for the subsequent optimisation of the website.Anonymous Information (defined and discussed earlier in this privacy policy under the section Anonymous Information).Until deemed useful or until an objection is lodged.Tracking code embedded within the website.
Own marketingArticle 6(1)(f) GDPR - legally legitimate action by the controller involving measuring and targeting advertising as part of marketing own products or services.Anonymous Information (defined and discussed earlier in this privacy policy under the section Anonymous Information).Until deemed useful or until an objection is lodged.Tracking code embedded within the website.

Appendix 2 - List of external tools

ToolProviderPurposeStatement by providerProvider’s settings
Google AnalyticsGoogle LLCAnalysis and statistics related to the online behaviour of the website's visitors.See here See here
Google AdsGoogle LLCAnalysis and targeted advertising.See here See here
LinkedIn Insight TagLinkedIn Ireland UnlimitedWebsite behaviour analysis, conversion measurement, and ad targeting within the LinkedIn advertising system.See here None