Mobile app
Green emergency serviceunderline
The most popular mobile application for gardening lovers for Android and iOS. We are maintaining and developing new functionalities.
I am exceptionally pleased with the cooperation with MuchMore. So far, we have worked with several Software Houses, but our cooperation has never been so good and effective.
Wojciech Tyszkowski
Head of Product & Growth
scope of works
How do we develop the application?underline
Adding new functionalities
Adding new functionalities
We monitor and maintain
We monitor and maintain
Repairing current errors
Repairing current errors
What we did
Backend, Mobile
About the project
PLANTIS - Green Emergency is an irreplaceable tool for everyone who wants to have a beautiful and healthy garden. Thanks to it, plant care becomes easier and more pleasant. It contains a number of functions that facilitate and improve the work of a gardener, both beginner and experienced. The app is available for both Android and iOS platforms.
The key functionalities of the application are: Gardening calendar - contains information about the work to be performed in a given month, depending on the type of plant. Identification of plants, diseases and pests - enables the identification of plants, diseases and pests based on a photo. Forum and consultations with experts - users can ask questions and share their experiences, and get help from experts.
Technological stack
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While undertaking maintenance and development works for the Green Emergency application, we had to face several problems.

  • 1. No documentation, in order to smoothly enter the development process without unnecessary downtime for the client
  • 2. Technology Differences and roadmaps to collaboratively support the client's work.
  • 3. Securing continuity of work and roadmaps to collectively support the client's work.
  • 4. Understanding business goals and roadmap to support the client's work as a team.
Taking over a project without available documentation is a challenge, but we have solutions. The first step is an initial assessment and code audit, in which we thoroughly analysed the structure, dependencies and quality of the code. We worked closely with the client to understand the business objective, functionalities and known issues associated with the project. We then started a thorough code analysis, examining the application through manual testing. This allowed us to understand how the various elements of the system interact with each other.
During this time, we also started working on smaller tasks to ensure continuity of work. Using the Scrum methodology, we maintained regular contact with the client to ensure that the project was heading in the right direction. As we progressed, the team began documenting on the fly, adding comments in the code and describing the architecture, data models, and dependencies in separate documents. Part of the code required refactoring, which additionally increased the scope of work.
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Many elements, including communication and knowledge management, contributed to the final result of our work. Regular meetings with the team and the client helped us to understand the project, and a thorough analysis of the technological state helped us define future tasks and challenges. Full understanding of the project also allowed us to lower development costs and deliver individual functionalities on time.
check iconWe reduced the cost of development by 20%
check iconWe made sure there were no downtimes in the development process
check iconWe have created the technical documentation
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